Friday, October 22, 2010

{Insert Evil Cackle}

Growing up, watching my Mother snoop around looking for any indiscretions on my Father's behalf, checking pockets, "cleaning the car"; just looking for anything to have as "evidence", I learned. Don't go looking for shit if you don't really wanna know! And as the previous sentence may cause you to believe, lo and behold, she found the aforementioned "shit". Numbers on ripped of pieces of paper, little notes, receipts and things like that.

There we many times I've stumbled across notes, no BOOKS, written to my father about what ever the problem was at that time. Now, I understand writing your feelings down. But leaving it around it hopes that the intended precipitant would get it? FAIL

I say this to say, don't go looking for things if you don't truly want the answer. If you have a gut feeling, like it wakes you up and keeps you from sleep...LISTEN to that shit.

Let's say you do snoop...and you find everything you needed to find. Then what? I bet all that shit you talked about doing goes right out the window and you're left with nothing but the hurt of the truth. What are you gonna do then? Maybe...just may be...stop to think "what did I do that caused this to happen?"

EGASP!!! Is Kee saying that sometimes the other person can be a cause or attribute to what went wrong? You're damn skippy.

{insert evil cackle}

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